Reinvention – Triggers, Challenge, Opportunity, Outcomes, My Playbook, Taking It Further
Image by Efe Kurnaz

In our fast-paced world, transitions are inevitable.

They can be exciting but also daunting. It can feel like stepping off a cliff into an unknown void.

In my previous article about Psychological Flexibility, I explored the critical role it plays during exits and transitions.

The subsequent discussions have made me realise that there is a pressing need for a solid and immediately actionable framework to navigate these periods.


In a work context, triggers for exits and transitions can take many forms:

  • Business owner chooses to leave after 23 years to establish a philanthropic venture.
  • Elite soldier forced by health issues to leave the armed services after over a decade of having a bag packed and being on 24 hr stand by.
  • Pro athlete retires from sport to explore what’s next.
  • Senior executive steps out of global NYC role to create a portfolio career when COVID forces them and their family to migrate back to Australia.
  • Partner in professional services firm hits the transition milestone dictated by their agreement.
  • Founder, having decided to leave, reverses the decision and recommits to growing their business when they realise it as a vehicle for contribution.

All of these people have lived and worked in challenging, high intensity, high stimulation environments and have an inventory of tangible and intangible assets – decades of experience, deep expertise, critical networks and knowledge, leadership, operational and strategic skills and financial assets.

The challenge

The challenge is that, when it comes time to leave or even just consider leaving these environments, the reality can be brutal.

The empty diary, the sudden dissolution of long established daily, weekly, monthly patterns, the challenge of assessing options, the loss of networks and relationships, the seismic shift in identity…

When exits and transitions go wrong, we see the full spectrum of costs on health, relationships, reputations, finances, workplaces and the community.

We don’t need to look too far to find examples being played out in the media and the consequences for individuals and organisations.

But what if these transitions could be less of a challenge and more of an opportunity for growth and reinvention?

The opportunity

In these periods of intense change, people want to move from:

  • overwhelmed by the decision and situation to managing the stress and pressure of the process
  • uncertain about the future to having a clear direction
  • lost and adrift once the structure dissolves to focussed on prioritised next steps
  • drained to re-energised and motivated
  • isolated and alone to supported and accountable for their actions.

For organisations, the opportunity is slightly different. They want to:

  • fulfil their duty of care,
  • minimize risk of reputation damage,
  • retain relationships with those who have deep organizational knowledge and experience
  • provide accountability and support for the individual to make the changes necessary and avoid relapse to undermining and unproductive behaviours
  • empower people as advocates into the future.

The outcomes

To leave these environments and make these shifts takes much more than simply managing a transition.

It requires reinvention.

People want to:

  1. take their tangible and intangible assets and apply them in service of doing what truly matters.
  2. reallocate their time and activities to be physically and emotionally present for the people that they care about most.
  3. come through these periods motivated, focussed and energised.

Ultimately it’s an opportunity to align purpose and values in order to bring all of who you are to everything you do.

A playbook for reinvention

As I’ve shared in the past, I’ve been through my own reinventions: post-Olympics, in business, in grief and the threat of death.

And that’s why I’ve developed a personalised, evidence-based playbook to help turn these moments of intense change into opportunities for reinvention.

This isn’t just theory – it’s a blend of personal experiences, scientific insights, and proven strategies that have helped top performers in diverse fields.

So what’s required to make this change?

Here’s what you need

  1. Assessment: Understand your current needs and emotions, and learn how to take targeted action immediately.
  2. Plan: Gain a clear direction, explore opportunities, and identify your next steps.
  3. System and Structure: Embed new habits into your daily routine to support your desired outcomes.
  4. Toolkit: Equip yourself with strategies to manage stress and pressure during the transition.
  5. Accountability and Support: Get personalised guidance and support to stay focused and course-correct as needed.

These resources have been designed with you in mind, addressing the challenges you might face and maximising the opportunities that lie ahead.

Ready to reinvent? Taking it further

If you, or someone you know, want to take this further, here’s how we can work together:

  1. Coaching: I offer one-on-one sessions to help you make the necessary shifts in your personal and professional life. Interested? Schedule an intro call now.
  2. Speaking & Workshops: I deliver tailored sessions to teams and organisations, focusing on leadership, wellbeing, and performance. Book a briefing call now for your team.
  3. Consulting: I provide expert advice on designing high-performance programs and cultures. Let’s start building your high-performance culture.

This playbook and my personalised services have been carefully curated to help you navigate through challenging times and come out stronger, more focused, and energised.

My previous clients include Google, Rio Tinto, EY, Department of Defence and more.

Sound interesting? Email me ( or direct message me on LinkedIn and let’s explore how I can assist you.

All the best,


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