Reinvention Coaching
Reinvention Coaching

Reinvention Coaching Question

Hi there,

I’m very close to reopening my Reinvention 1:1 Coaching Program.

I’ve been working on this for 2 years – refining it with execs, investors, business owners, founders, entrepreneurs, elite military and pro athletes.

I’m opening it for a limited intake in August.

This program is specifically designed to help top performers facing major change to reinvent for what comes next.

What does that mean?

It means the program focuses on people with 10+ years in their game, facing a major change either forced or chosen.

Typically the change is in response to any number of life’s curveballs (eg,health, relationships, work). Or it could be triggered by opportunities like the sale of or exit from a business, a desire to spend more time with family or retirement.

They find themselves in a position where they need to make wholesale change, to reinvent who they are and what they do to prepare for, then take action on what comes next.

Sometimes my clients have ideas about the future, other times they can’t see the future at all but just know they need to make change.

The Reinvention Coaching Program includes:

  1. Assessment – to understand current needs and learn how to take targeted action to get momentum immediately.
  2. Plan – to help clarify direction, purpose and goals, explore opportunities, and identify next steps.
  3. System and Structure – to embed new habits into daily routine to support desired outcomes.
  4. Toolkit – to equip clients with evidence based strategies to manage the inevitable sense of fear, stress and pressure that comes during the change.
  5. Accountability and Support – to get personalised guidance and support to stay focussed, course-correct as needed and keep moving forward.

However, I need your help. Before I finalise the program, I need to make sure I’ve covered everything.

That is where you come in.

I’d love you to take a minute to answer this one question:

What are your two top questions about Reinvention that I absolutely need to answer in my coaching program?

Reinvention Survey >>



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