The Monday 3: Whatever is rightly done; Sitting with discomfort; How we do anything; Recharge

Hi there,

Happy Monday!

It’s important I walk my talk, so I’m taking three weeks off this Friday to recharge.

That means this will be the last of The Monday 3 newsletter for 2024 (although my 2024 Year In Review article will be out later this week).

Thank you so much for your support this year.

I’ve loved writing these each week and deeply appreciate the feedback, comments and suggestions you’ve made along the way. Please keep them coming!

I hope you have a great break if you’re taking one and I look forward to sharing more with you in 2025.

Much love to you and yours.



Here is your weekly dose of The Monday 3: a quote, an insight and an action I’m taking.

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A quote I’m pondering

Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble. (Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum.)

Sir Henry Royce

An insight from conversation

The Cambridge dictionary defines high performance as “working or operating at an above average standard”.

Whether that’s in training, work, parenting, or relationships, we need to build our capacity to do what matters while sitting with discomfort – physical, cognitive, emotional, sometimes all three. That’s what psychological flexibility is all about.

We need to ask ourselves: What matters here and what action can I take that will move me towards it?

The upside of this is that the lessons we learn in any setting can be applied across all settings. Practicing patience as a parent helps with patience at work. Being present in training can help us be present in conversations.

Often people are deeply competent at sitting with discomfort in one or a few domains. We need to understand that this competence is translatable and then learn how to transfer it across all domains.

Because as the saying goes: How we do anything is how we do everything.

An action I’m taking

I’m taking three weeks off this Friday. As well as chilling out, I’ll be intentionally combining high importance domains from my Valued Living Questionnaire into activities that I know will bring me energy to recharge. For me that’s beach, family, friends, books, conversation, surfing, training, meditation, food… It’s going to be a cracker!

Is there one of these that really stood out for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts or suggestions whether that’s a favourite quote or something else.

I hope you have a great week ahead.

With love,


Performance Coach, Speaker and Author

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