Hi there,
Happy Monday!
Here is your weekly dose of The Monday 3: a quote, an insight and an action I’m taking.
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A quote I’m pondering
Keep your eye on the donut, not the hole.
David Lynch – filmmaker, visual artist, musician, and actor
An insight from conversation
There are many paths. There are many possible tools. And because everyone is different and every context is different, there is no single right way. No one has all the answers.
What is the context?
What is front of me?
With everything I’ve ever learned and experienced, what is my best next step?
An action I’m taking
I’ve been experimenting with fewer things on my to-do list and more left in my backlog. When the to-dos are done, I can go back to the backlog for more items. It’s helping my focus and improving my completion rate. It has helped keep the most important things, the most important things.
Is there one of these that really stood out for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts or suggestions whether that’s a favourite quote or something else.
I hope you have a great week ahead.
With love,
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PPS: Missed an issue of The Monday 3? Find them all here >>